

Barbara Snow

Mystical author who shares her adventures and stories.

VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE: Meeting Mama on Maui

""It Starts As a Call.

An idea or an image strikes a spark in your heart that sends a charge throughout your nervous system. Where is this someplace special calling you to encounter what is sacred there – to activate what is sacred inside you? What spirits await? How will the energy of the land affect you? What sacred presence will you encounter as you embrace the history of that place? What healing will you receive? What dormant parts of yourself will awaken?

Learn more About the Virtual Pilgrimage Here

""My Last Pilgrimage.

My pilgrimage to Bolivia and Peru began casually, with an offhand comment to a friend.

“I’m thinking of following the Inca trail from Lake Titicaca to Cusco…”

Her response was immediate. “I want to go!”

When another of our friends responded the same way, we agreed to go together, and the journey began.

Read More About Meeting Mama in Maui

Meeting Mama on Maui.

This trip came about in a circuitous way, as often happens when Spirit is leading you into new territory. It seems to reduce the intensity of any freak-outs (I can’t do that! I don’t have…) Originally I planned to attend a ceremony on Oahu.


Simultaneously, I encountered an author-spiritual sister currently living on Maui with whom I felt an intense alignment and who invited me to work on a project with her. Then came an even more potent call to retreat for inner and creative work on Maui, on the shoulders of Haleakala. The spirit of the island reached out, inviting me to experience Her as another aspect of our beloved Terra, to offer service to the island, and to write. I couldn’t NOT go!

Learn How You Can Join the Virtual Pilgrimage now

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